Job offers

Select the job offer that interests you from the list below. If you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch, we can always find new opportunities.

Shift manager, Kaunas

Management of production personnel in a bakery.

shallow focus photography of red and white for hire signage
shallow focus photography of red and white for hire signage
grayscale photo of cars on road
grayscale photo of cars on road
Personnel specialist, Klaipėda

Active personnel search and selection, evaluation of candidates.

Transport manager, Kaunas

Management and control of the movement of freight cars, optimization of routes.

coffee mug near open folder with tax withholding paper
coffee mug near open folder with tax withholding paper
man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
low-angle photography of high-rise buildings
low-angle photography of high-rise buildings
Accountant, Vilnius

Full bookkeeping for Lithuanian and international companies.

Account manager, Kaunas

Product sales, maintaining and developing business relationship with existing customers.

Building projects manager, Kaunas

Development and coordination of real estate projects.

Advice for job seekers

Be proactive: Review online job offers regularly.

Tailor your resume and cover letter: For each job offer, tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and experience that match the job requirements.

Set the right expectations: There is no guarantee that you will find the job you are looking for right away, so be patient and persistent.

Prepare well for the interview: Before the interview, do your research about the company and the position and prepare answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Improve your skills: Invest your time in improving your skills or learning new skills to increase your chances of getting the job you want.