For job seekers

We start by getting to know you - your skills, experience and expectations. We will create a plan tailored to your career goals.

We'll help you optimize your CV, provide interview advice and ensure you're ready to impress potential employers.

Job offers
Our specialists will work to find the most suitable job opportunities for you.

When you're ready, we'll introduce you to the right employers and guide you through the entire recruitment process.

Even after employment, we will continue to support your career growth by offering development opportunities.

We help you achieve your dream

Why choose Hedista

Your success is our priority
We are committed to your success. Our team of experienced career advisors are committed to helping you find not just any job, but the right job for you. We will take the time to understand your skills, passions and career goals, ensuring that each opportunity is a perfect fit for your expectations.

We have access to various job opportunities in various sectors. Whether you're looking for a career change or to improve in your current field, we know how we can help you achieve it.

Personalized career options
No two candidates are the same, and no two career paths are the same. We provide customized solutions, offering personalized job search strategies, interview coaching, resume optimization and more. We're not just here to find you a job - we're here to help you succeed.

Support all the way
Our support doesn't stop when you land your dream job. We'll be there for you throughout your career, offering advice and support whenever you need it. Your success is our success.

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Look no further, we're here to help you every step of the way. We are more than just a recruitment agency; we are your success partners.

Join us today and we will help you reach new heights in your professional journey.


Contact us

Fill in the form and we will add your details to our internal database and get in touch to discuss your expectations.

By filling out this form, you confirm that you have familiarized yourself with Hedista's personal data privacy policy and agree to Hedista's use of your personal data for job search (entering data into Hedista's database and transferring them to third parties (with prior notification to you).

If you want your personal data to be deleted from the internal database, e-mail us at

“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.”

Debbi Fields